Sunday, December 20, 2009

And Yet Another Disappointment

I have just endured one of the most emotionally stressful weeks I've had in a long, long time, and every time I think it's going to get better (or that I've made it through without a breakdown), there's just one more thing. My knee-jerk reaction? Eat. And eat is what I've done all week even though my conscience has been screaming "STOP" the whole time. I just haven't cared. But now tomorrow is Monday, and NOW I care. I'm literally sick to my stomach right now. Too many sweets, not enough exercise... my body isn't used to this anymore, and it's retaliating. It's hard to explain, but I can FEEL that something's not right in my body. It just feels different... larger? bloated? full? I don't know how to describe it, exactly. I just feel yucky, and I've felt that way since Friday. The bummer is that tomorrow will be my sixth week of goal maintenance at WW which will make me a lifetime member (silver key charm and FREE membership). If I'm more than two pounds over my goal weight, it will set me back one more week. I came home from last week's meeting all revved up to lose the 1.2 pounds I gained that week. In fact, that was my goal. During the meeting we were supposed to make a goal for this week and describe two tactics we would employ to achieve the goal. My list: • track everything I eat • exercise at least three times. Pthhthhthththhth! I only tracked Monday's points, and I exercised ONCE! Pathetic. I'm so disappointed in myself. I feel like I've run a marathon and decided to drop out with only one mile left. I'm also disappointed in the fact that when it really comes down to it--when it really, really matters--I can't control my eating. That scares me and pisses me off. I get scared because I know that as long as those reactions are still there, there is still potential for me to gain it all back and live a life behind the bars of obesity. I get angry because I know (KNOW) what I'm doing to myself when I gorge and overeat. So the questions remain: How am I going to survive the next week without gaining still? How do I conquer emotional eating? How do I make healthy food choices when there literally are none? I will entertain any suggestions.

1 comment:

  1. I know this is a huge set back for you. But I have every confidence that you can stick to what you've been doing. If it wasn't tough more people would be doing it. The fact that your body recognizes that this was bad is very good sign. This was a learning experience, just focus on how your body is feeling now and you won't be as tempted next time.
    As for emotional eating... try to keep all the positives in your mind, like how wonderful Joshy and Johanna are and the fact that your hubby took care of all the laundry the other night! Think positive, is all I can suggest.
    Good luck!
