Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blueberry Pancakes

Happy New Year! I am excited to begin this new year journey. I feel focused, positive, and motivated. While I'm still wrapping my brain around the ultra new Weight Watchers system (now called Points Plus), I'm also trying to get out of my "same ol', same ol'" rut. I am definitely a person of comfort. When I find certain articles of clothing that I like and fit me well, I buy multiples of them. In the same way, when I find certain recipes that I like and fit my lifestyle well, I make them... over and over and over and over. I think part of my recent weight gain is not only attributed to my mental "burn out" but also to my body's "burn out" to the same recipes and menus I make in mass quantities and eat almost every day. One challenge to myself is to break out of my "comfort" zone this new year. I got a jump start on that by joining a community education Zumba class (thanks Nicole!).

I got this recipe out of Prevention's "Biggest Loser Weight Loss Planner" magazine. There are a bunch of good looking recipes that I hope to try and pass on to you. I haven't had a chance to make these pancakes yet, but the picture in the book looks delish! What's more, one serving is FOUR pancakes for a whopping three points! (Shut up! That's almost unheard of!) The only disappointing thought is if the pancakes themselves are the size of a quarter. If you get a chance to try them before I do, please send me a comment to let me know what you think. Anyone have any idea where a girl can get whole grain oat flour in Northern Minnesota??

Blueberry Pancakes

1/2 c. reduced-fat buttermilk
1/2 c. whole grain oat flour
1 large egg white, lightly beaten
1/2 t. baking soda
1/4 t. vanilla
1/4 t. salt
1/2 c. fresh or frozen (not thawed) blueberries

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Combine buttermilk, flour, egg white, soda, vanilla, and salt in a medium bowl. Whisk just until blended. Stir in blueberries. Let stand 10 minutes. Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat until it is hot enough for a spritz of water to sizzle. Wearing an oven mitt, briefly remove pan from the heat and mist lightly with olive oil cooking spray. Return the pan to heat. Pour batter in 1/8-cup dollops onto skillet to form 3 or 4 pancakes. Cook about 2 minutes, or until bubbles appear on tops and bottoms are golden brown. Flip and cook 2 minutes more. Transfer pancakes to an ovenproof plate. Cover with aluminum foil and place in oven to keep warm. Repeat with cooking spray and remaining batter to make 8 pancakes total.

Yield: 2 servings [4 pancakes each] (3P+)

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