Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Crockpot Steel Cut Oats

I'm trying to remember how this one came up... oh, yes! A friend of mine asked me where she could buy steel cut oats (she is interested in lowering her cholesterol, and had been searching for some good recipes to try). Then this recipe was posted at my WW meeting last Tuesday, and I started thinking about it more and more. While I was meandering through the grocery store last night, I thought I would pick up some steel cut oats and make up a batch of this yummy goodness for my breakfasts next week. That's when I discovered that the local grocery store carries organic steel cut oats in the bulk bins in the produce department for $1.71 per pound (as compared to the one-pound package in the natural foods aisle for $3.29). I simply could not pass up a deal like that! =)

Steel cut oats do not look the same as regular oats. They look more like tiny pellets than the round/flat "flakes" of oats we're used to. Because of their shape, they tend to be a bit chewier than normal oatmeal. If you have texture issues with your food (and you try this recipe and don't like it), you can bring whatever leftovers you have to me. =) Feel free to substitute regular brown sugar or maple syrup for the dark brown sugar. Oh, and use the largest crockpot you have. Mine was full all the way to the top.

Crockpot Steel Cut Oats

5 1/2 c. water
1 (15 oz.) can pumpkin
1 (12 oz.) can fat free evaporated milk
2 c. unsweetened applesauce (I use home-made.)
2 c. steel cut oats
1/4 c. dark brown sugar
2 t. pumpkin pie spice
2 t. cinnamon

Combine all ingredients into a large crockpot. Cook on low for 4 hours.

Yield: 10 servings [1 c. each] (5P+)

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